Don’t Be Afraid to Hear ‘No’
If there's one thing I've learned on my journey as an entrepreneur, it's this: don't let the fear of hearing "no" hold you back.
I've always been someone who loves pushing boundaries and exploring new possibilities. But I am also a people pleaser and a "kind-of" perfectionist. Which means my boundary-pushing tendencies and other tendencies are often at odds.
I have the desire to push things to the edge, but then wonder "what if people think I am crazy" or "what if they don't like me" or ... "What if the answer is No".
But my dad's wise words always ring in my ears: "If you don't ask the question, the answer is always no." That simple yet profound advice has become my mantra, pushing me to be fearless in asking for what I want. So much so, I consider it one of my superpowers.
I can't help but chuckle at some of the audacious questions I've asked:
"Can I really quit my job and make Avenue Equestrian a thing?"
"Do you think Crosby is a good fit for our family?"
"Do you think I can give Donny the career he deserves? Do you think I can buy him?"
"Do you want to work together?
These questions may seem bold or even crazy to some, but they've led to incredible outcomes and opportunities I wouldn't have had if I let the fear of "no" dictate my actions.
Go out there and get it