You Can Cry and Ride at The Same Time
Let's dive into a moment that perfectly captures the rollercoaster of emotions we experience while pursuing our dreams. Picture this: I'm helping a young rider prepare for her walk/trot classes. Her pony's a bit spirited, the ring's buzzing with activity, and she's feeling overwhelmed. The situation's safe, but she's on the verge of tears. At that moment, instead of brushing off her emotions or telling her to toughen up, I simply told her: "You can ride and cry at the same time."
And you know what? It worked. We ended the ride with smiles and a perfect pony - a win for all of us.
This story is a reminder that it's okay to feel overwhelmed, scared, or uncertain. Those emotions don't have to paralyze us or stop us from moving forward. We can acknowledge them, embrace them, and keep going.
I had my own "ride and cry" moment not too long ago. I was at my desk, feeling the weight of big decisions and unsure of the next steps for my business. Tears welled up, frustration bubbled over, but I knew one thing for sure – I couldn't give up on the business I'd worked so hard to build. So, I took my own advice and continued. I sat at my desk, continued to cry and faced the challenges head-on, made the tough decisions, and kept moving forward.
The lesson here isn't about pushing through at all costs or ignoring our emotions. It's about recognizing that it's okay to feel scared, overwhelmed, or unsure. It's okay to cry, to vent, to express those feelings. But what's not okay is letting those emotions hold us back from pursuing our passions and dreams. If we can ride and cry – navigating challenges while feeling the full spectrum of emotions – then we can certainly build a successful business and pursue our passions with determination and resilience.
So, the next time you're facing uncertainty, feeling scared about what's around the corner, or having big emotions, remember – it's okay to ride and cry at the same time. Embrace those feelings, but don't let them derail you from the path to success.